If you have or will have children of your own, do you visualize them having a sibling relationship with any resulting child from this donation?.How would you respond if you do not know the resulting child and they wish to meet you and/or pursue a relationship in the future?.Do you anticipate that your parents or other family members may wish to have a relationship with any resulting child?.Are you planning on letting others in your life know about your donation?.What are your current intentions for any child born through your donation (any contact desired, kind of contact, etc.)?.Do you have a desire to parent a child that results from this donation?.Do you personally have or does anyone in your family (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings) have a history of the following:.Are your parents and grandparents alive? If not, at what age did they pass away and from what cause?.Do you smoke marijuana? If so, how much?.Do you have a history of drug use of any kind including long-term prescription medication use?.Do you have currently, or have you ever had, an STD? If yes, please specify.If you choose a known donor, there are many questions you will want to ask to ensure the viability of the sperm and the medical health of the donor as well as ascertain any genetic conditions that a child conceived with the sperm may be predisposed to. Ironically, the information you acquire from a known donor may not be as complete as the information you obtain when choosing an unknown donor.ĥ) How comfortable are you asking uncomfortable questions? This is yet another reason to consult with an ART attorney in your state about your particular scenario.Ĥ) How important is a thorough medical and psychosocial background to you?īecause of the extensive amount of information required by cryobanks in order to become a donor, the cryobanks actually know more about their donors than the donors may know about themselves! This information is gleaned from the questionnaires and medical tests required to proceed. To note, every state has laws regarding sperm donation, how it must be done in order to be a legally recognized sperm donation, and who is a presumed parent. If you opt to use a known donor, there are generally no costs for the sperm sample itself, but you will need to factor in legal fees to ensure that the parentage of the offspring is clearly defined. That being said, there are no legal fees associated with terminating parental rights for an anonymous donor. Vials of sperm from a cryobank range from $300-$1000, and most individuals make multiple attempts over several months before becoming pregnant. If you are certain you don’t want a relationship between the two, there are still ways in which you can keep both known and unknown donor options on the table.ģ) Are you concerned about the cost of sperm? It is possible to use a known donor and facilitate an agreement where there is no relationship between child and donor. If a relationship between the donor and child is important to you, you will want to pursue a known donor. While most sperm or cryobanks do offer “identity release” donors, those who have indicated they are comfortable having their contact information shared with offspring who are 18 years of age or older, there is no guarantee that the donor will want a relationship at that point. If you answered yes to this question, you can stop here a known donor is for you! If you answered no, continue on.Ģ) Do you want your child to have a relationship with the sperm donor from an early age?Ī known donor offers the opportunity for a relationship with the child prior to age 18.

For some individuals and couples, this is highly important and makes the decision to use a known donor a simple one. Obtaining sperm from a family member of the partner whom is not supplying the egg allows for both parents to have a biological connection to the baby. Move through the following questions to help better define what you are looking for in a donor.ġ) Is it important to you that your sperm donor has a familial connection to your child?

This article will attempt to help you work through that process in as pain-free a way as possible. For some individuals and couples, choosing a sperm donor can be one of the most challenging decisions they will need to make on their path to parenthood.